How do I report absence?

For non-attendance to a session, for any reason, please let us know in the morning, before your child’s session starts. You can call/text us on:
07557 950407 or call 01926 811400 

How and when do I pay for Pre-School sessions?

The fees are payable termly in advance or may be paid in 3 equal monthly payments, the first payment to be made within 14 days of invoice and subsequent payments to be made one month and two months from invoice date. Fees may be paid by voucher payment, by bank transfer or to the manager by cash or cheque.

Bank payments should be made using your child’s name as a reference to the details provided on your invoice. Cheques should be made payable to “Long Itchington Pre-school and Out of School Club”

How do I cancel or change my child’s sessions?

Once a child has been guaranteed a place, or has started at the setting, the parent or carer must give a minimum of four weeks notice in writing if they wish to withdraw their child from the setting, or reduce the amount of sessions their child attends.

Except in exceptional circumstances, if they do not give notice in writing then they will still be liable for the fees for their child even if they do not attend during this four week period.

How and when do I pay for Out of School Club Sessions?

We will invoice you for the whole term which you can pay over 4 equal monthly payments as below:

Summer Term payments
May, June, July & August

Autumn Term payments
September, October, November & December

Spring Term payments
January, February, March & April

Fees will be reviewed annually and given to parents / carers one term in advance.

Bank payments should be made using your child’s name as a reference to the details provided on your invoice. Cheques should be made payable to “Long Itchington Pre-school and Out of School Club”

How do I cancel or change my child’s sessions?

Once a child has been guaranteed a place, or has started at the setting, the parent or carer must give a minimum of four weeks notice in writing if they wish to withdraw their child from the setting, or reduce the amount of sessions their child attends.

Except in exceptional circumstances, if they do not give notice in writing then they will still be liable for the fees for their child even if they do not attend during this four week period.

Can I change my Out of School Club sessions?

Based on the information you provide on the booking form, you will be charged for the sessions you have requested, regardless of whether you use them or not. This is so we can ensure that we have the correct ratio of staff in the setting at all times.

For any ad-hoc bookings on top of your termly contract you will need to call the LIAS Club mobile number 07557 950407. We have a total of 65 places in the evenings and 45 in the mornings. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first serve basis, and we reserve the right to refuse ad-hoc bookings.

Can I choose what time I collect my child from Out of School Club?

When booking your sessions you have the option to choose from 4 collection times: 4.30pm, 5.00pm, 5.30pm or 6.00pm. If you collect before your contracted collection time, then you will still be charged for the contracted number of hours. If you collect later than the time stated on your contracted hours, then a late collection fee of £10.00 will apply.

How do I enquire about booking sessions?

Please contact us via email or by calling us on 01926 811400 or 07557 950407. Alternatively, you can download a booking form to return to us by clicking the link below.

Please note, completion of the booking form does not guarantee you a space. We will be in touch with you once received to confirm availability.